Why Go Firewise?
Why Go Firewise Overview
50 Firewise communities in Santa Cruz County
Firewise is a national program
Map of the Zayante Firewise Communities
Volunteers and investment
No cost to apply and voluntary participation helps decrease wildfire risk
Neighbors working together
Benefits include Community-building collaboration, builds goodwill with local fire professionals, access to professional help, and potential home insurance discounts.
Steps to achieve Firewise USA Recognition: Form a board, complete a wildfire risk assessment and host at least one meeting per year.
Develop a three-year action plan, meet the minimum wildfire risk reduction investment, and create a Firewise USA Portal account and application.
Potential neighborhood activities: Chipping, brush clearing, chain saw days, clear around fire hydrants, road and driveway clearance for fire engines, mark turnarounds, create a GIS map of houses and water sources, have an emergency communications plan, and have evacuation drills.
Sunset Ridge neighborhood work parties
Recognize and celebrate
What's next? Assess community interest. Identify a steering committee. Define your community boundaries. Ask for a follow-up presentation
Firewise Local Resources: Local fire department websites. FireSafe Council of Santa Cruz County. Santa Clara FireSafe Council. FireSafe Marin. FireSafe Monterey.